Hoffman House

Built Around 1907

The original east side of the house was very basic, with a stone foundation. The smaller west section of the house was built without a foundation.  


Front view when purchased by Mr. Hoffman.

Back view when purchased. 


Front view of house in 2018. 

Rear view, showing new addition  completed in 2018.

How the Kitchen has Changed 

Before (1973)

After (2018)

Other Pictures of the Hoffman House

Closeup of the House's Stone Wall Foundation

Picture taken by Lew Hoffman's mother in 1976 showing the back yard of the Hoffman house.

Picture taken by Lew Hoffman (10/18/2021) showing the same view as the picture above taken by his mother in 1976.

The Chambers family sold the property to the Hoffmans in 1973.

When the Chambers owned the house, they had "1 Cow  &  1 Pig"

The house purchased in 1973 had an outhouse.  

The Hoffmans used their new land to raise two horses named Girlie & Ginger. A new horse barn was built to house them. 

Excerpts from the Deed to the Hoffman Property