These are just Snips from Aunt Charity's Diaries 1865-1941 where Ira is mentioned.
"Feb. 27 Father, Hezron, Miss Barnes and Rosa have been to a singing concert
in Ira this evening."
"Dec. 2 Father and Frank have been to Ira. They bought a colt from Mr. Clark
and paid $175 for it
"June 4 The boys have been to Mr. Peck's and got a swarm of Italian bees."
"Oct. 7 Frank went to Ira today and got a pair of red cows from Mr. Stevens."
"April 15 Rosa has hired out to teach out in Ira.."
"May 16 Rosa likes her school very much. She has 17 scholars."
"Oct. 13 Mr. Orson Smith of Ira called here today. He hired Rosa to teach school next winter. She is to have $4.50 per week and her board."
"Nov. 15 Frank went to Ira today and got four barrels of cider that were made from our apples."
"Dec. 30 Frank went to Ira in quest of a hired girl but did not succeed."
"June 16 Frank went to Rutland and gave someone in Ira $350. He took a mortgage of a sawmill."
I've found this book to be very interesting to read. It describes the way of life in 1865 to 1941 in an area very close to Ira. It must have been very similar to life in Ira. This book is stored in the Town Office Vault. You can go to the Town Office and do some reading.