Ira Brass Band
In 1894 Buel Parker and George W. Curtiss organized what was called the Ira Brass Band. The services of Samuel Seff of West Rutland were secured as teacher, with the following named young men as members: George W. Curtiss, Daniel F. Coombs, Elmon Coombs, John Flanigan, Henry Gilmore, Oscar Gilmore, Charles Gilmore, Bradley Gilmore, Grant Lincoln, George Lincoln, Burt Lincoln, Nathan Seff, Louis Seff, Arthur L. White, Fred White, George Fish, Eugene Weaver, Willie Whitmore
Extract from "History of Ira, Vermont" By S.L. Peck Page 36
Buel Goodwin Parker Picture courtesy of Effie Brooks
Extract from "History of Ira, Vermont" By S.L. Peck Page 36