Ira Central School
Some estimate this school began operation in the 1780s, which could mean it is the oldest school in Vermont. The public records are sparse from that time period so it cannot be confirmed. The school closed in 1991.
Location of the school on the Beers Map of 1869.
Photo from Rutland Herald, Sept. 5, 1974
The school is currently unoccupied
From left: Ralph Perry, Charlotte Lincoln, Stewart Lincoln, ___, Harriet Kenyon, ___, ____
We don't know the occasion, the date, or owner of the picture.
Students and Teacher, Ira School 1959
Picture courtesy of Regina Buffum
Students in 1963-64
Ira Central School (Play Ground) JUNGLE GYM
Note from Di Whitman :
Ira Central School, 200 yeas old , one room, one teacher, 15 to 30 students
Two generations of Perrys (seven students) Each spent eight years here.
Result: 4 nurses, 2 farmers, one general contractor.
All are happy successful citizens.